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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Learning to color

Here's Mary playing and coloring at one of the kids tables at a Halloween Party we went to. She's a lot smaller than the other kids but she hangs in there with the big kids. By the way she loves to color now. All over the house and the walls and the couch...

Friday, October 3, 2008

Mary's ISR in her Summer Clothes

Here's an attempt to embed a you tube video in my blog.

I think it worked. Here's Mary swimming in her summer clothes near the end of her ISR lessons. She's doing pretty good.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

ISR Week 4

So here's how Mary's ISR lessons are going at the end of week 4. We've got 2 more weeks to go. But it looks like she's doing pretty good. We're so proud of her!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

ISR Lessons

Here's what Mary's ISR swimming lessons are like. She whines and cries a lot, but she does her swimming. I'll record her when she's finished with the lessons too and they put her in the water fully clothed.
Her instructor's name is Annette Goldman and student instructor Leslie. They're doing a great job!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Birthday #2

In addition to our birthday celebration at Disneyland, we also went to Grandpa and Grandma's house. Here, Auntie Jenn baked Mary a cake and we all enjoyed Mary trying to figure it out. As it turns out Mary it doesn't really interest Mary to "dive into the cake." She's perfectly happy to just pick at the frosting. We'll try again next year.

It's a pretty long video so just bear with the upload process.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Birthday Girl!

Here's a video of her digging into her first cake at Disneyland. I'm sure there will be many more cakes to come.

Favorite Ride

She can't go on many rides yet, but here's Mary on her favorite ride, the Merry-go-round. She's entranced by it as you can see in the video. She screams when we have to take her off and it's all done. Although I didn't record that part. She loves watching the top of the poles go up an down, what makes the animals go up and down. She's a little engineer like her daddy.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Fun at the Fair

Here's Mary having fun at the SD County Fair. The fair wasn't actually too exciting, but I thought Mary was. So here's a video of her taken July 5th.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Watching Daddy

Every so often we go to where Rich plays basketball on wednesday nights. We spend some time at the park there and also watch him play.

Here's Mary watching Daddy play basketball. She's really rooting for him. And if you can see it, giving him some pointers on what to do with the ball.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Learning to wave

Here's a shot of Mary learning to wave. She hasn't quite got it down yet, but she's figuring it out. It was taken on 6/22/2008.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Mary's boyfriend Elijah

Here's Mary and her boyfriend Elijah. Elijah is a little older than Mary (by about 6 weeks or so.) We met Elijah and his mother Crystal on a playdate and they became fast friends. I'm so glad me and Mary get out of the house every so often now. We meet other moms with kids at parks, at houses, where ever, so the kids can play together and the adults can talk. I really love the group of moms that I met up with. Crystal has been awesome and she volunteered to watch mary for a few hours so me and Rich could see a movie together. It was the first time I left her with anyone other than family. But it looks like she had a good time. Crystal shot this video of the two playing while I was away. Thank you!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mary learning Colors

Here's Mary learning her colors. She doesn't quite know red yet but she does know green and blue ok. She's a smart cookie!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Here's Mary playing with her favorite animal, Penguino. She carries him around. She's not super attatched to him, but she loves playing with him.

Mary Clapping

Here's Mary having fun at the park. I actually got her to clap while I was filming. She loves to clap now. She claps a everything. We haven't got her to wave yet though. That's next on our list.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Walking with the Walker

Here's Mary walking with her walker. She sort of looses interest half way through. She's getting to be a pro though. I like how she goes to play with her purse at the end of the video.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Infant Swim

Here's a video clip from The Today Show (http://today.msnbc.msn.com/ ) showing how ISR (Infant Swim Resource http://www.infantswim.com/) teaches infants how to float should they fall in the water. These are the lessons that we want Mary to have. We're always around water, living here in Southern California and I think it will be important for her to learn.

Mary likes what Daddy likes

Here's a video of Mary and Daddy chilin' on the couch together. It was shot around mid-may '08. This video shows you why we call her The Mouth.

First Video Entry

This is a new place where I can upload videos of Mary Pie. This is a tester post since I haven't done this before. We'll see how this works.

Here's a video of Mary sleeping before she was a month old in August '07.